Aplikacije s funkcijo 'Igre'

The Bug Butcher

The Bug Butcher

Bug Butcher je intenziven akcijski strelec, zavit v slogovno dvodnevno umetnost in začinjen s humorjem, kjer sta časovni in ognjevit odsev najpomembnejša!
Salt and Sanctuary

Salt and Sanctuary

Hiter in brutalen boj z bogato mehaniko RPG v stiliziranem 2D akcijskem platformerju.
60 Parsecs!

60 Parsecs!

60 Parsecs!je pustolovščina atoma v vesoljski dobi na površju in preživetju.Posadka naj bo živa in pripravljena na akcijo.Sprejemite težke odločitve, se spopadite s pomanjkanjem juhe in drugimi grozotami vesolja.In morda pridete do cilja.Ali pa tudi ne.
This is the Police

This is the Police

Strateško-pustolovska igra, kjer upravljate z osebjem, se odzivate na nujne primere in preiskujete kazniva dejanja.
Dream Hospital

Dream Hospital

Dream Hospital je simulacijska igra v medicinskem centru.Najemite svoje osebje, ustvarite medicinske sobe in opremite svojo bolnišnico.
Pokémon (series)

Pokémon (series)

Pokémon, znan tudi kot Pocket Monsters na Japonskem, je serija elektronskih iger Nintendo, ki je na Japonskem debitirala februarja 1996 kot Pokémon Green in Pokémon Red.
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Gamex Games

Gamex Games

Gamex Games je sveža igralna platforma, ki jo je ustvaril Studio Gamex - nedejani razvijalci / navdušenci iger, ki trenutno delajo na dveh glavnih igrah.
Rilyoke - What's the sound?

Rilyoke - What's the sound?

Slišali boste veliko zvokov iz različnih krajev.Poskusite uganiti, kaj je to.


Moonshades je igra z vlogami v ječah, s katerimi obnovite potopno vzdušje in izkušnje starodobnikov RPG.
Warfare Incorporated

Warfare Incorporated

Zgradite si sile za obrambo in nadzor planeta Ikarusa v kritiški mobilni igri RTS.
Magic: The Gathering Arena

Magic: The Gathering Arena

Magic: Gathering Arena je najnovejša zbirateljska karta Freemium v ​​franšizi Magic: The Gathering.


Družabna igra, kjer igralci upravljajo ploščo s čudnimi nadzori za dosego ciljev, preden zmanjka časa.
Learn to Read & Save Animals

Learn to Read & Save Animals

“Learn to Read & Save the Animals” – is an educational Montessori game for kids created for preschoolers from 4 to 7 years old and junior school children of the 1st, 2nd and...
  • Freemium
Wayward Souls

Wayward Souls

Dungeon crawler with Perma-death, random levels, multiple characters and skill-based combat.
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Kids Learn to Count 123

Kids Learn to Count 123

Watch as your children connect cars to a train, paint a rainbow, catch fish, pop bubbles, make pizza and much more!
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Elmo Loves 123s

Elmo Loves 123s

Elmo Loves 123s is an app full of games, activities, and videos, which will help teach your child about numbers and counting. Numbers 1, 2 and 3 included.
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Clockwork Tales Of Glass and Ink

Clockwork Tales Of Glass and Ink

Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink is an adventure game in the steampunk genre.
  • Freemium
Code the Robot. Save the Cat.

Code the Robot. Save the Cat.

“Code the Robot. Save the Cat” is a fun and educational game used to learn the basics of programming and logic. Explore actions, loops, functions and conditions.
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Guns'n'Glory (series)

Guns'n'Glory (series)

Control a party of heroes in the RPG/RTS game series spanning settings from fantasy worlds to a zombie-infested, post-apocalyptic future.


hocus. is a minimal perspective illusion puzzle based on M.C. Escher drawings and impossible shapes.FEATURES- NO ads!!!- 120 Beautifully crafted mind bending levels
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