

Legalesign is online software that manages the contract send and sign process.
Legalesign je spletna programska oprema, ki upravlja postopek pošiljanja in podpisovanja pogodb.Z Legalesignom vaše stranke podpišejo pogodbe takoj od koder koli, kar zagotavlja boljše zadovoljstvo strank, hkrati pa zapre prodajni cikel, zmanjša stroške upravljanja in znatno izboljša splošno produktivnost poslovanja.Legalesign, ki ga uporabljajo podjetja iz ZDA in Velike Britanije, je zasnovan za takojšnjo in trajno vrednost za naše stranke.Tarifna cena programske opreme pogosto presega njene stroške uporabe.Legalesign je zasnovan od zgoraj navzdol, da odpravi te stroške in ustvari največ vrednosti do spodnje vrstice.Legalesign ni izdelek, temveč se nenehno razvija;kontaktirajte nas in se pogovorite o vaših zahtevah.Obiščite

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Alternativa Legalesignu za vse platforme s katero koli licenco



Provides an e-signature service for documents. Key Features: Enhanced security and authentication Legally binding Unlimited documents Unlimited users and groups Company branding Paperless - save money and time. Free for charities.
Secured Signing

Secured Signing

Secured Signing is a digital signature software solution that allows you to send documents for electronic signing with many advanced features to save businesses time, money and hassle.
eSign Genie

eSign Genie

eSign Genie is an easy to use and affordable legally binding esignature solution to create documents, reusable templates and to obtain esignatures from single/multiple/bulk parties. Additional features include bulk send, embedded signatures and API. .


XolidoSign, the best technology for electronic signature, time stamping and verification of all types of intelligent documents (PDF integrated firm, images, etc..).


RightSignature is the easiest, fastest way to get documents filled out and signed online.

Do E-Signature with confidence: Paperless, No-printing, No-faxing.


Adobe EchoSign is the second generation of electronic signature solutions 'on demand' or 100% online signature solutions.